Mama's Got a Plan:

Maternity Care, Health Insurance, and Reproductive Justice

A new world

A heartfelt reaction to a performance of the opera, Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower.

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Further reading

Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower is an opera written by Toshi Reagon and Bernice Johnson Reagon. If you are lucky enough to have a performance available to you, grab a ticket right away! Read more about the opera here and be sure to read both the novel and the graphic novel, and to listen to the podcast hosted by Toshi Reagon and adrienne maree brown.

A word about the images that make up the Love Letter: A photo of Sweet Honey in the Rock was placed behind the photo of Toshi Reagon, even though the group was not involved in the opera. However, Bernice Johnson Reagon, the leader of Sweet Honey in the Rock, is the co-author of the opera; the photo was used as a tribute to her, and to the style of music that the opera grew from. 

Image credits

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